
Why Spiritual People Need to Vote

BY TAMI SIMON, Founder & Publisher, Sounds True Are you a United States citizen, and if so, are you registered and planning to vote in the upcoming Presidential election? I am asking this question because I care deeply about people voting on November 8th. I am writing this note specifically to you—to someone who is…


Taming Astrology’s Bad Boy with Positivity

BY MITCH HOROWITZ This July Fourth my family traveled to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina for a vacation. Getting there was no easy trip. We traveled during the astrological period called Mercury Retrograde: a thrice-yearly phase when the planet Mercury appears to move backwards – and travel, communication, and commerce (all things associated with…

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Dancing in the Glory of All that God Is

BY HARV BISHOP Gandhi famously said be the change that you want see in the world. Rev. Dr. Nirvana Gayle, a Religious Science minister and one of New Thought’s greatest prophetic voices, says that doesn’t go far enough. Oneness demands that we see that we literally are the world and everyone and everything in it….

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Hear Other People’s Pain

BY CINDY WIGGLESWORTH It is simple, and it’s complex. The simple part: ultimately it’s about being kind to each other and listening deeply The complex part: each human perspective takes effort to understand – and there are many perspectives in our reality Below I hope I am beginning a conversation for healing… for those of…