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The Spirit of Winning:

BY MITCH HOROWITZ From the classic halftime locker room speech to recent mind-body studies of peak performance, the benefits of a motivated mind have long been a source of intrigue in sports and physical achievement. Although motivational techniques are not new to athletics, athletes themselves, from college wrestlers to Olympic medalists, have never been so…

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Ernest Holmes: Feel the Bern

By Harv Bishop “The money that is now being spent in preparing for war would completely abolish poverty from the Earth. It is a terrific thing that, right now, the world is in a position to do away with impoverishment!” “…When only six percent of the National Budget is for the alleviation of impoverishment and…

4 Simple, Powerful Steps to Daily Spiritual Practice

By Mitch Horowitz No matter how busy you are it is always possible to find spiritual practices that fit within the confines of a hectic day. Here are some practices I personally use. They require consistency but not complexity. 1: Morning Connection. Upon waking it is crucial to make some connection to yourself and your…