Are We Living Quantum Time Machines? Part 3

Are We Living Quantum Time Machines? Part 3

BY HARV BISHOP Time travel is revolutionizing our understanding of manifestation, healing the past, and ESP. The bartender says, “We don’t serve time travelers in here.” A time traveler walks into a bar. Let’s tackle the so-what question? What does the apparent ability of our consciousness to time travel mean on a practical, everyday level?…

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What the Christ Consciousness says about war and suffering

By Harv Bishop Deepak Chopra says Paul Selig’s channeled books in the “I Am the Word” trilogy are “authentic straightforward truth straight from the source field.” I spoke with Selig about his work with the Guides, who identify as the Christ Consciousness, and the beginning of the second trilogy, “The Book of Mastery: The Mastery…