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The New Thought Dilemma: When Law Eclipses Love

BY HARV BISHOP Once upon a time I was an in-the-closet New Thoughter writing for a Catholic weekly newspaper. Catholicism had been the religion of my youth and this paper was strong on covering social justice issues. At the time I was not only a closeted New Thought adherent, but also caught up in Shirley…

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The Reformation of New Thought

500 years ago this week, Martin Luther launched the Protestant reformation with his 95 theses that challenged Catholic church authorities. Without that move away from centralized religious dogma, New Thought and alternative spirituality would not exist. New Thought spiritual pioneers experimented with what worked in their lives without blind acceptance of tradition. What in New…

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How to Attract Money

In this short essay, New Thought author and publisher Mitch Horowitz discusses how, while preparing to narrate an audio edition of Joseph Murphy’s pamphlet How to Attract Money, he came into a new and deeper appreciation of the book’s possibilities. This is adapted from Mitch’s introduction. BY MITCH HOROWITZ I am often asked: If I…