The Road Before You

The Road Before You

A onetime protégé to Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes, Obadiah Harris has lived a life deeply interwoven with the history of New Thought. An accomplished university administrator and now president of the University of Philosophical Research, Dr. Harris is a living link between the Pentecostal tradition of his youth and Science of Mind, which…

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Putting Our Heads in The Sand No Longer Works

BY EUGENE HOLDEN I have been sitting with this, waiting for the right time, and listening for what the message that wanted to be expressed, regarding the events that have been going on over the last week. I had to sit and process through the pain, the anger and most of all the disappointment. The waiting is over, the…

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The Spirit of Winning:

BY MITCH HOROWITZ From the classic halftime locker room speech to recent mind-body studies of peak performance, the benefits of a motivated mind have long been a source of intrigue in sports and physical achievement. Although motivational techniques are not new to athletics, athletes themselves, from college wrestlers to Olympic medalists, have never been so…

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Ernest Holmes: Feel the Bern

By Harv Bishop “The money that is now being spent in preparing for war would completely abolish poverty from the Earth. It is a terrific thing that, right now, the world is in a position to do away with impoverishment!” “…When only six percent of the National Budget is for the alleviation of impoverishment and…