Overcoming the False Belief that Me is Separate from We

BY CONOR MACCORMACK Barring having taken up residence under a rock (the appeal of which I can seriously entertain these days), we have all seen and read the slew of horrific headlines dominating the news and social media. Whether it is the senseless atrocities committed by Islamic fundamentalists, systematic oppression of racial, religious, and sexual…


Fight the Power: Rediscovering New Thought’s Radical Hero

By Mitch Horowitz “The time for thinkers has come; and the time for revolutions, ecclesiastic and social, must come.” —Mary Baker Eddy, 1875 Critics of New Thought often dismiss mental metaphysics as a milquetoast philosophy that uses “happy thoughts” as a lame substitute for social action. But New Thought grew up hand-in-hand with a tradition…