Father Thomas Keating—his legacy goes beyond centering prayer

Father Thomas Keating—his legacy goes beyond centering prayer

Father Thomas Keating, who passed October 25 at age 95, was a Catholic Benedictine monk who reintroduced contemplative meditation to the Christian world. If that were his only lasting contribution to our world it would have been enough, but his legacy of interfaith dialogue that honored both commonalities and differences adds another layer of his…

Are We Living Quantum Time Machines? Part 3

Are We Living Quantum Time Machines? Part 3

BY HARV BISHOP Time travel is revolutionizing our understanding of manifestation, healing the past, and ESP. The bartender says, “We don’t serve time travelers in here.” A time traveler walks into a bar. Let’s tackle the so-what question? What does the apparent ability of our consciousness to time travel mean on a practical, everyday level?…

3 Thinkers Changing the Way I Look at Spirituality

BY HARV BISHOP To grow spiritually we have to let go of the safety of the known. This article is about three writer/thinkers who are currently changing the way I think about spirituality. What they have in common is a willingness to ask tough existential and theological questions, an openness to explore other views, including…

How A 30-Day Positive Thinking Challenge Saved My Life

BY KATHERINE JEGEDE  Towards the end of 2017, I undertook the spiritual writer Mitch Horowitz’s 30 Day Mental Challenge, a short but impactful self-development program, aimed at putting the philosophy of positive mind metaphysics to the test. I have now gathered up my diary entries and notes and organized them into a blog post detailing…