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The Reformation of New Thought

500 years ago this week, Martin Luther launched the Protestant reformation with his 95 theses that challenged Catholic church authorities. Without that move away from centralized religious dogma, New Thought and alternative spirituality would not exist. New Thought spiritual pioneers experimented with what worked in their lives without blind acceptance of tradition. What in New…

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How to Attract Money

In this short essay, New Thought author and publisher Mitch Horowitz discusses how, while preparing to narrate an audio edition of Joseph Murphy’s pamphlet How to Attract Money, he came into a new and deeper appreciation of the book’s possibilities. This is adapted from Mitch’s introduction. BY MITCH HOROWITZ I am often asked: If I…


You Know the Importance of Forgiveness, But Did You Realize it has to Include Your Parents?

BY CONOR MACCORMACK In the beloved original Star Wars trilogy Luke Skywalker, in forgiving the sins of his fallen father Darth Vader, fulfills in a profound way the Biblical injunction to “Honor your father and mother” (Exodus 20:12).  While it may serve to make compelling cinema, does Luke’s act of mercy hold any practical value for…

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How We Made It Back from the Toughest Year of Our Lives (and you can too)

BY DIANE AND HARV BISHOP Last year we were knocked flat to the floor by what we in New Thought love to dress up as “challenges.” In this case, a life-threatening health situation was resolved in late summer only to be followed shortly after by an unexpected lay off. It was heartbreaking. Let’s get real….