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What New Thought Can Learn From Seer Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was a southern Christian who became a widely known trance channel whose teachings helped birth the alternative spirituality movement. New Thought historian Mitch Horowitz’s recent book Mind As Builder explores the relationship between Cayce and New Thought teachings. I recently caught up with Mitch to ask about Cayce and New Thought. Following our Q…

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Success and the Law of Cycles

BY MITCH HOROWITZ The following piece is adapted from Mitch’s latest book, The Miracle of a Definite Chief Aim (Gildan Press/Hachette). There is a special power to going about your business carefully, meticulously, and unceasingly—persevering at the work that is uniquely your own.  Life is composed of cycles and when a cycle of opportunity reaches…

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The Man Who Gave Us the Law of Attraction

By MITCH HOROWITZ America in the 1840s was awash in liberal spiritual and social ideas – particularly the principle that the everyday person could forge his own relationship and communication with the Divine. Many Americans saw the young nation as a place provided by God – an “American Israel” where a new people was entitled…