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The Spirit of Winning:

BY MITCH HOROWITZ From the classic halftime locker room speech to recent mind-body studies of peak performance, the benefits of a motivated mind have long been a source of intrigue in sports and physical achievement. Although motivational techniques are not new to athletics, athletes themselves, from college wrestlers to Olympic medalists, have never been so…

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Ernest Holmes: Feel the Bern

By Harv Bishop “The money that is now being spent in preparing for war would completely abolish poverty from the Earth. It is a terrific thing that, right now, the world is in a position to do away with impoverishment!” “…When only six percent of the National Budget is for the alleviation of impoverishment and…


In Defense of the “Woo-Peddlers”

By Mitch Horowitz   Why is the term “self-help” so often used in a derogatory manner in mainstream media? Writing in the opinion journal Aeon, journalist and social critic Elizabeth Svoboda recently sized up today’s self-help field and concluded that some cognitively based self-help books are effective – and well worth defending – whereas New…

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What the Christ Consciousness says about war and suffering

By Harv Bishop Deepak Chopra says Paul Selig’s channeled books in the “I Am the Word” trilogy are “authentic straightforward truth straight from the source field.” I spoke with Selig about his work with the Guides, who identify as the Christ Consciousness, and the beginning of the second trilogy, “The Book of Mastery: The Mastery…