A deeper dive for justice and the planet

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Zukav SOM coverWriting profiles for Science of Mind: Guide for Spiritual Living magazine provides the
opportunity to speak with evolutionary thought leaders like Adyahsnati, Gary Zukav, Michael Bernard Beckwith, New Thought historian Mitch Horowitz, Rabbi and Oxford scholar Marc
Gafni, Dr. Joe Dispenza and many others. But magazine space is limited and there is always
more to be said. This blog is a deeper dive to further explore big questions about ultimate reality, the evolution of consciousness, the meaning of suffering and how we should treat others and the planet.

Howard Hoffman, a Hasidic  rebbe, friend and teacher, says that truth can be seen as a pinpoint
or a circle. If truth is seen as a pinpoint, people try to stake an exclusive claim and knock off
from that constricted point those who see things differently. If truth is seen as a circle, there is room for questions, disagreement and exploration. Given our individual gifts as well as
limitations and blind spots, we need each other to capture a more complete, yet evolving understanding of our world and Cosmos. Everyone’s unique perspective can contribute to the evolution of understanding in the face of life’s great questions and mystery.

These blog posts are offered in that spirit.

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